SUPER SKETCH - Sindorim Station 06.01


Saturday, June 1, 2013 - 16:00

We’re taking over SINDORIM station!! 

The now-legendary ¡SUPER SKETCH! series is a hookup between artists and musicians organized by SUPER C۞L۞R SUPER. Every event brings the artists, the bands, the audience and the party together through the prism of a special concept or theme.

Super Sketch is a live platter of drawing, art, shadow theater, and psychedelic visuals performed on vintage overhead projectors.
The hands-on and analog projector art performances range from transparent puppetry to watercolor compositions displayed through classic classroom overhead projectors. Art runs throughout the night on multiple overhead hanging screens, in time with live music.

For the first time ever, SUPER SKETCH will take over a section inside Sindorim station in a wash of visuals, music for an all-day event perfect for the warm JUNE.

JUNE 1st @Sindorim Art Space Gori
TIME 4-8 PM 
TICKET 5000 ₩ (only door 현매만 가능)

MUSIC/ The Barbarettes / Love X Stereo / Aggudle (악어들) / Funny People / Victor View
VISUAL ART/ Miroux / Sseo / Bk Kim / Deborah / Alberto / Bomi / EL C

Design your own poster and upload a picture to this page.

When you upload the poster choose 1 gift you like below!

1. 5000₩ Art market credit you can use at Super Sketch art market
2. 8000₩ discounf for Shabazz Palaces (subpop) Seoul ticket