Self-publish your e-book workshop in Busan, January 19th


Saturday, January 19, 2013 - 14:00


Event Type: 

Have you ever thought about publishing a book? Didn't know where to start? What about making it work while in Korea? 

Self-publishing pays better royalties, goes from your computer to 'on sale' in a matter of days, and offers your masterpiece to people around the world. Companies like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Smashwords, Kobo, and plenty of others have made it easier than ever to be published. If you’re interested in getting your words printed, there are also some exciting ways to create a print-on-demand book.

NEW! At this workshop I'll also be talking about using audio and video in your e-book - it's possible, and not as hard as you might think. 

To be clear, this is not a writing group (check out the excellent Seoul Writer's Workshop). It is, however, is perfect for you if you've written a book, are writing a book (November is NaNoWriMo!), or have thought about getting something published. 

This three-hour event will be held in downtown Busan, at the Busan Global Center. Just like last time, both of the presenters will stick around afterwards to answer questions. This workshop is for people that are looking to understand the marketing, technical, and business aspects of self-publishing - and be part of a community of other self-publishers.

Some questions we'll be answering:

Technical aspects:
~ How do I put my book up for sale?
~ What pitfalls or issues should I be aware of?
~ How do I insert Korean characters?
~ What's the submission process like?
~ Which computer program should I use to create my book?
~ NEW! How do I embed audio or video in my book?

Business aspects:
~ How do I price my book?
~ How do I receive the money while here in Korea?
~ Where do I find support or people to work with?
~ Which services or stores should I use? Which stores aren't worth bothering with?
~ What do I do next?

Marketing aspects:
~ What's the best way to market my book?
~ How do I get people to review my book?
~ What's the best strategy to use social networking?
~ Should I offer my book for free for a limited time?
~ Where should I promote my book, and how?

The workshop will cost 50,000 won, which can be paid in cash on arrival (30,000 won special for any budding writers under 18)

City Hall station on Busan's subway, line 1. Take exit 2 to street level, then cross the street and look left. You might see 국민연금 부산회관 - you're basically looking for the big building just out of the exit. Head to the 13th floor and follow the signs for the Busan Global Center.

The exact address is 부산광역시 연제구 중앙로 1992 국민연금 부산회관 13층. If you get lost, call me at 010-2972-3133.

Chris Backe is the blogger behind 'Chris in South Korea' ( and is almost finished with his third book, "Weird and Wonderful Korea". He'll focus on the technical aspects of creating an e-book and will tag-team on the business side of things.

Jeffrey Miller is the man behind 'War Remains' and 'Ice Cream Headache', two books that captivate the imagination and offer a taste of the past. He's written three others as well. He'll focus on the marketing aspects and will tag-team on the business side of things.

Questions? Message Chris Backe, ask on the Self-Publishers in Asia group at, or send me an e-mail at chrisinsouthkorea AT gmail DOT com.