Gwangalli Eobang Festival


Friday, April 27, 2012 - 10:00


Event Type: 


○ Period: April 27 - 29, 2012
○ Venue: Gwangalli Beach
A sketch of the main events of the 8th Gwangalli Eobang Festival in 2009
‘Excellent Festival’selected by Busan Metropolitan City
A number of small festivals such as Namcheon-Millak Live Fish Festival, Gwangalli Beach Festival and Namcheon-dong Cherry Blossom Festival were unified in 2001 into a festival of a larger district scale Gwangalli Eobang Festival. As the only festival in Korea based on folk customs of traditional fishing villages, it is a characteristic spring festival of Busan which is held in Gwangalli Beach, Gwangan Bridge, Gwangalli New Media Art Museum, Gwangalli Beach Theme Street and so on
"Eobang (漁坊)" had been the cooperative fishermen's union of the Suyeong region where the fishing market was active, so the festival was named as "Gwangalli Eobang Festival" and is held every spring, at the end of April, based on the theme of inheriting the traditional spirit. Enjoy the colorful burst of spring in the place of dream and romance, Gwangalli Beach!
With rich marine products, Suyeong was the first fishery region in Busan. In the Joseon period, installation of the Gyeongsang Jwasuyeong (The left navy of the Gyeongsang region) in this region had developed fishery much more because food had to be provided to the navy. In the eleventh year of King Hyeonjong, Eobang was installed to give instruction of fishing techniques for the purpose of encouraging and promoting fishery, and that was the Jwasuyeong Eobang (Eobang of the left navy). 

Eobang was cooperative unions in fishing villages, which are similar to mutual-aid communities in sea villages of the present. 

Eobang encouraged singing songs to relieve people from stress of hard work during a group work and to increase efficiency by letting people work with songs telling of fishermen's feelings. Fishing activities of that time were reorganized to "Jwasuyeong Eobang Nori", which has been preserved and passed on until now as the important intangible cultural asset No. 62. Gwangalli Eobang Festival was therefore named after Eobang (漁坊)' in that 
it is to follow the traditional spirit of the Suyeong region. 


Festival Program Guide
Main Programs1. Draw in the Eobang Net  2. Jin Du Eo Hwa
Theme Programs1. Gil Nori   2. Suyeong Folk Plays    3. Search for Huri Sori   
4. Suyeong Folk Art Display   5. World Folk Performance    
6. Fish Food Contest   7. Catch Live Fishes by Hands   
8. Surprise Auction of Raw Fish Dishes   9. Marine Remains Display   
10. Sea Rafting Contest   11. Make Ships out of Recycled Materials
Participation / Experience1. Do Suyeong Tourism Puzzles   2. Exciting Magic Bus  
4. Make Fish out of Straw   
5. Army Life of Left Suyeong Citadel   6. Eobang Folk Games 
7. Eobang Sketching Contest   8. Eobang Composition Contest    
Night Programs1. Opening Ceremony   2. Closing Ceremony   3. Cultural Streets    
4. Beach Cinema
   5. Prayer for Wishes
Additional Programs1. Food Market    2. Food Price Discount       
4. Sister City Promotion and Special Products Market   
5. Enjoy Marine Sports
   6. The 2nd Happy Suyeong Festival


10:00~11:00 글짓기,그림그리기대회
11:00~12:00 맨손으로 활어잡기
맨손으로 활어잡기
13:00~14:00 수군교대식(13:00~13:30)
세계인 민속페스티벌
맨손으로 활어잡기
맨손으로 활어잡기
거 리 퍼레이드
18:00~19:00 어방그물끌기
및 진두어화
및 진두어화
19:00~20:00뮤지컬형식의 개막축하쇼주민음악회어방노래자랑
21:00~23:00비치씨네마 문화의 거리어방월드 와이드파티비치씨네마 문화의 거리
① 어방그물끌기(다함께 어기영차!) 
② 진두어화(어화둥둥!) 및 불꽃쇼
① 거리퍼레이드 ② 경상좌수영성 수군교대식 ③ 축제주제관 ④ 수영민속공연 ⑤ 윈드서핑대회
⑥ 맨손으로 활어잡기 ⑦ 활어요리 경연대회 ⑧ 수영성벽쌓기 ⑨ 민속놀이한마당 ⑩ 물고기탈 만들기
야간 문화
프로그램(7) (11)
① 개막식(축하공연) ② 뮤지컬 공연 ③ 주민음악회 ④ 어방노래자랑(폐막식) ⑤ 어방월드와이드파티 ⑥ 비치 씨네마 ⑦ 문화의 거리(아트마켓)
① 신나는 마술교실 ② 수영관광퍼즐맞추기 ③ 생선회 깜짝경매 ④ 전통탈 ㆍ 부채만들기
⑤ 짚풀물고기 만들기 ⑥ 소망등 달기 ⑦ 재활용품 작품만들기 ⑧ 민속연전시(만들기) 
⑨ 세계인 민속페스티벌 ⑩ 줄타기 공연 ⑪ 전통악기ㆍ복식체험
① 그림그리기대회 ② 글짓기대회 ③ 사진공모전 ④ 먹을거리 장터
⑤ 업소가격 할인행사 ⑥ 자매결연도시 홍보관 및 특산물장터 ⑦ 수영행복나눔 페스티벌 ⑧ 줄연날리기