Geumjeong Makoli Festival


Friday, May 27, 2011 - 16:00


Event Type:

The Geumjeong-Gu County will hold the 1st Geumjeongsanseong Makgeolli Festival for three days starting on Friday, May 27th until Sunday, May 29th in Spo 1 Park, Sanseong-Maeul Village, and PNU to promote the famous traditional Geumjeongsan Makgeolli well as the Geumjeongsanseong Fortress(18,845 metes-long, the longest fortress in Korea).

So many exciting outdoor activities such as night hiking, makgeolli relay drinking, visting historic sites game, team building game, modern and traditonal music performances and other gorgeous events (including a makgeolli-related experience at Spo 1 Park and a Street Party Vol-2 at PNU) will take place throughout the day. Kicking around a Jegi(제기차기) and Korean quiz game(한국어퀴즈) just for Foreign People! 

For Info at (In Korean)
I will upload some nice events schedule in English Soon...

#1: Makgeolli-related game (5 ppl per group): Competitive drinking with a straw - Threading a needle after elephants twirl- Carrying makgeolli jug - Arrow Shooting thru a makgeolli bottle - Carrying makgeolli jug - Setting a tray on the table on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Time TBA
#2: Moonlight Hiking: Beomeosa Temple - Bukmun Gate - Wonhyobong Peak - Dongmum Gate on Saturay & Sunday. Time TBA

How to get to Spo 1 Park:
Exit No. 1 of Nopodong Sunway Station and Take a bus #2-2 or #2-3, taking just 7 minutes.

P.S. Busan Port Festival, May 27~29, TOO!
Please make a registeration for Free Busan Port Tour by Nurimaru Cruise Ship. It' on FCFS basis, beginning on May 19th. 
More Info at and find the "부산항투어 사전신청접수"