Busan Hash#19 - No Children Allowed


Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 14:00


Event Type: 

From http://www.meetup.com/meetups/events/17433417/
Hash 19: No Children Allowed


    Who's hosting? James Morris

    How to find us: We should be right up exit 1.

    Since it's Children's Day and (almost) all of us get the day off, let's make the most of it. What better way to celebrate than by getting drunk and wandering around?

    I'll be haring the trail again, and it's a good one we've used in the past. Anyone interested in co-haring it with me, just hit me up; it's fun to plan the trail with somebody, and you'd get your own hashing name (like Rebecca and me, since we're awesome). 

    Here are the details:

    Where: The trail will start at exit 1 of the Busan Museum of Modern Art subway stop and end at Sharkey's in Haeundae; it what's called an A to B trail, so pack light.  

    When: Thursday, May 5th at 2PM. This one is starting later so we can do the ending ceremony at the bar. Sharkey's opens at 5pm on Children's Day, and we should finish the trail around right when they open.


    Cost: 5000 won. This gets you all the Korean beer and snacks you want until the money runs out.

    We've had hashes end at Sharkey's before and it's a lot of fun. Great food and a great vibe. We'll also be right on the beach too, for anyone who wants to just relax after a nice walk. Also, they've already got some cool stuff planned for Cinco de Mayo; just more reason to show up.


    For those who don't know, the Hash House Harriers are an international organization devoted to exercise, good times, and beer. There's running and/or walking, there's beer, there's the singing of obnoxious songs, and general stupid fun. You can wear running shoes and do the trail full-boar, but if you choose to walk you won't be the only one. You don't have to run and you don't have to drink, but you do have to have fun; it's a rule. Check it out on Wikipedia of you want a more exact and scientific explanation. 


    James (Dub Dub)