Suwon's Hwaseong Fortress on CNNGo!

Truth be told, I've been sitting on a little news for a few weeks. A while back I decided to try my hand at producing a QiRanger Adventure for a slightly different market. I opted to submit a piece to CNNGo, the Asian travel arm of CNN International. To my delight, they accepted my pitch and I set off filming one of my favorite places. Not only did I need to write a short article, I needed to capture the beauty of Suwon Fortress and do it proud (most notably, since my last video of this place was an 11 minute ramble as I walked through its grounds). I shot video over four days. Yes, four days. I had to make sure my costuming was set in a way that I could easily keep it consistent throughout the process. I also enlisted some help on the project. Jo came out with me three times and operated the camera while I was out doing narrations. I also asked my friend Daichen to write the music for the main portion. He came through and I'm really pleased with the tune. While editing the video, I had to cut so much out. To think I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to fill the running time and I wound up with just the opposite... five minutes wasn't enough to include all the great video I captured, but certainly enough to focus on what story I wanted to tell. I would be honored if you'd surf over to CNNGo and check out the video here! Thanks and I look forward to reading your comments on what you think of this first endeavor with CNNGo.
From: qiranger
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