A Day With Phampants in Korea - [GoPro & Edutige]

John, aka Phampants, chose Korea as the start of his Asian tour. Luckily, that also meant that this long time YouTube friend would be stopping by my place for a few days. Here's a day out exploring the sights. Camera: GoPro Hero2 Mic:Edutige EMT-001 http://youtube.com/phampants -= WEB SITES =- Twitter: http://twitter.com/qiranger Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/qiranger Instagram: http://instagr.am/qiranger Blog: http://qiranger.com The Travel Channel: http://youtube.com/qiranger The Vlog Channel: http://youtube.com/theqirangervlog Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/tqrap QiRangerRTW: http://tinyurl.com/qiranger-rtw-podcast
From: qiranger
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Time: 03:55 More in Travel & Events