
Maharaja Express Train India

Maharaja Express, one of the latest and most luxurious train in India, which takes you to view the remarkable Golden Triangle of India i.e. Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. In this train you will get really very contemporary facilities that will includes internet connection, plasma TV,DVD player, individual controlled AC etc including the world heritage sightseeing of its destination.

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다저 스타디움에 싸이 등장! Psy at Dodger Stadium! Gangnam Style!

PSY, a.k.a. performer and reality TV judge Jae-Sang Park, attended a Dodgers-Giants game on Monday night, but the singer of the wildly popular viral hit “Gangnam Style” wasn’t there to perform. An eagle-eyed stadium worker apparently noticed him watching in the stands, and soon the song was blasting throughout Dodger Stadium.


Yeosu World Expo: Meh

I guess not many people are attending the Expo.  Not as many as Korea had hoped, anyway.  Various branches of government offices are required to buy so many tickets and my wife kinda-sorta volunteered to do so at her workplace.

I was surprised by how close Yeosu is to Busan.  I looked at Google maps and asked for directions- it would have sent me way North to Daecheon before returning South to the expo for a travel time of over six hours.  Instead, we drove it in under two-and-a-half.


Females & Tattoos in SoKo

This is a tattoo question for the Ladies.

I will be leaving for South Korea at the end of July.

First of all I am female with a full back piece, and a full side tattoo. Although I don't show them off. I am still worried if I go to a Korean Bath House. Will I be kicked out? I don't want to be disrepectful, so I don't see myself going to a Jjimjilbang. I just don't want to cause any trouble. Can any ladies out there with tatt's give me a clue on what they went through in SoKo with tatt's?


Thanks So much! <3

Woraburi Phuket Resort and Spa – Phuket Resort Thailand


Woraburi or “Splendid City” is idyllic location of where the happiness and fairies live. Upon approach our gateway your own world of holiday has begun. A giant Srivijaya Bell at the unique elegant lobby reflects as a symbol of intimately acquainted welcome you to Pkuket, the largest island of Thailand with long and prosperous history.  


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