Yours Truly to Appear on Busan e-FM for Weekly Segment of Cine Concerto

I got a gig appearing as a weekly guest on Cine Concerto hosted by Tina Park, the movie program of the local English radio station Busan e-FM. I’ll be on every Wednesday around 10:40 am to discuss a famous director, actor, actress, or anyone related to film. I did my first show today (Wednesday October 19) about Korean filmmaker Kim Ki Duk and it should be up on the website for you to stream by the end of the day. Here’s a link to the page where you can find the show. Hit the “Script Board” section and that should bring you to a list of shows organized by date. Once you get it to start playing, feel free to skip to about two-thirds of the way through since I only talk during the last portion of the show.

Big thanks to fellow film critic Thomas Bellmore, who helped me land the gig. He has a similar segment on the same program where he talks about all time classics on Monday mornings around the same time, so make sure to tune in then too!