Snow Days in Korea

At 7:24 I got a phone call this morning from the co-worker who handles my administration paperwork and such.

Her: Hi Alex!  This is Mrs. ---.
Me: ~cough cough~ Errrr hi?
Her: Today is a snow day! No classes. You come to work at 9.
Me: ~looks out the window~ Huh. There is snow. Ummm ok. Good-bye.

At which point I went back to my snooze button since a 20 minute delayed opening doesn't really need changing. 5 minutes later I get a call from my co-teacher.

Him: Hi Alex. How is your condition?
Me: Hi. My what? Oh. I don't know. I'm sick. Fine I guess. ~coughs away.
Him: Today is a snow day. Late opening you can come in at 10.
Me: Are you sure?
Him: Yes, 10 or 11.
Me: Huh. Okay. Err I'll see you at 10 then. ~coughs away. Good-bye.

I got up and changed my alarms, pleased to have a change in plans.

At 9:00 I got a text saying that opening was delayed until 9:30 from the administrator which I ignored.

At 9:05 I got a call from my co-teacher saying that classes were canceled and I should stay home because I am sick.

At 9:10 I got a call from the administrator saying that my co-teacher was wrong and even though classes were canceled for students the principal still wanted all of the teachers to come to school. At this point I was very bleary and coughing and finally just said: 'I'm taking a sick day then. I am too sick to come to school. I will see you tomorrow.'

Then I went back to sleep until 12:30 and ate breakfast. Here is my question though: if the weather is supposedly too bad for the local students to safely walk to school (most live within a 5 minute walk) then how are the teachers, all but 3 of which live in Busan between a 20 and 60 minute drive away, supposed to safely drive to school? This baffled me. I mean if I wasn't sick I would have gone in and done lesson plans and read the news and such but feeling like shit, I was like...screw it, I'm staying home. And I'm glad I did if only to avoid the 92 million conversations about why I haven't gone to the doctor yet. People, it's a head cold, what the hell is the doctor going to do for me that I don't already know??? Take some decongestants, drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. Tea and vitamins help too.

I'm going back to sleep.

By the only snowed 3 inches. Three.

Dear Germs,