Reading List: Welcome to Room #305

While a bit different than the academic works I normally post for this section of the blog, this manhwa (만화) that I stumbled on the other day is a good insight into a heterosexual's reaction to meeting a queer person and how their behavior evolves as their relationship develops. Welcome to Room #305 was written by Wanan and translated at MangaFox by Eseul. In the first episode, the author includes a letter which explains his intentions.

I find it hard to relate with the very obtuse and close-minded Jung Hyun, but I haven't finished the comic, so I imagine there is a lot of character transformation to look forward to. The homophobic mindset and reaction of some of the heterosexual characters is unsurprising, but I couldn't help but wince at some of the silly things the characters say. I guess if you live in a country where nobody talks about homosexuality, how are you supposed to know that it isn't contagious? Luckily, we live in a world where you can just ask Google. 

Here is episode one in its entirety. 

 To read more, check out the manhwa's translation at MangaFox's website. I'm going to head back to see is Jung Hyun can get over his ridiculous prejudices. Night!