Gayspeak: 이성애자 (heterosexual) and 양성애자 (bisexual)

TKQ mentioned 동성애자 (homosexual) way back in March of 2012 (goodness, this blog is getting old) but I've recently been seeing a lot of these words in newspaper articles related to Kim Jho Gwang-su's marriage.

이성애자 (i-seong-ae-ja)

This is a Chinese based word. 이 means different, 성 is sex, 애 is love, and 자 is person. So a heterosexual. Here is the Chinese characters if you are interested:

Then we have

양성애자 (yang-seong-ae-ja)

양 means two (兩). So someone that loves both sexes is bisexual. 

Although these words wouldn't really be used often in conversation, these are the words that you would see in a newspaper talking about same-sex relationships so they are good to know.