Anti-Virus / Spyware Programs

Hi, I have heard from many people, where can I get my computer fixed? I normally tell most people to go to my favorite computer shop in Busa-dong (right near Hanbit Stadium - Hanwha Eagles). But that can be a bit far for most people.

I'm creating this page in order to help those avoid future computer issues.

 (I posted this in the Tech Corner page as well)

First of all, if you are using the following Anti-virus programs, STOP! They are either resource hogs or couldn't catch a fart in a windstorm.

1. V3  (has never caught anything other programs did)

2. Avast (too many false positives)

3. Alvira (didn't catch much)

4. Norton (they may have improved in recent years, but a resource monster!)

Keep in mind there might be some different programs you are currently using not on the list.

Antivirus programs I would recommend.

1. Kaspersky ( you can get a pirated copy, but installing the "keys" can get annoying and they never last long due the "key" getting blacklisted)

If you want to pay - Kaspersky is the real deal.

2, Comodo Antivirus & Firewall
    It's always good to have a solid anti virus program which is resource light, accompanied by a strong firewall. And ITS FREE

Comodo has recently prompted users to upgrade to get more features on your free version. Why?

*** Comodo is available for Android Devices as well. You can download it here

I would recommend downloading an earlier version. You can download it here

Follow the directions in the picture.

** When updating Comodo, don't update the program itself, just the Virus Data Base

Is your computer running slow? Spyware might be running around  on your computer.

I would recommend Spyware Terminator

It is the best program of this nature I have had experience with.

It may annoy you with all the alerts, but isn't it better to be safe than sorry? 

Again like Comodo, Spyware terminator has prompted free users to upgrade to get new features. I would suggest downloading an older version of it here

**Like Comodo, when updating Spyware Terminator, don't update the program, just the Data Base

I hope this helps those who are having computer issues. If you have any other programs you are using and found success, let us know^^

Also remember if you download a file and unsure if its safe...right click on your mouse, and select Comodo from the list and scan your file.

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