Articles from The Rapid Korean Learning Blog

Parents’ Day – A special holiday for mothers and fathers

Have you ever heard about Parents’ Day? Since we were born, we’ve shown our parents love and appreciation in one form or another. Our relationship with our parents may not always be perfect, but there is so much for us to thank them for. It can be surprising how much we don’t show our thankfulness.

Parents’ Day is all about celebrating our parents! Below we will tell you all about this holiday celebrated globally but is especially important in Korea. It can also give you some great insight into Korean culture.

Korean games – Activities enjoyed by children and grown-ups

Korean Games have recently become quite famous with people all around the globe. This is because of the popularity of the Korean TV series on Netflix, Squid Game, which has risen to worldwide fame nearly overnight. The show features many popular Korean games played by children, so perhaps it’s the best time to learn about them too.

Squid Game – A glimpse of this popular Korean TV series

If you’ve read the news or been on social media at all lately, “Squid game” might already sound familiar to you. The name itself can already get someone curious, so what is Squid Game all about?

In this article, we will explain to you the plot of the TV show and how it relates to real-life in Korea, especially regarding the children’s games played in it. Let’s see what this much gushed Korean series is all about!

School in Korean – Words and phrases related to education

Today we will teach you how to say school in Korean. You will also learn a variety of words and phrases related to all things school.

Being a student and attending school can be enjoyable as it’s where you can meet a lot of friends. If you’re currently studying in South Korea, these terms might come in handy.

Clothing in South Korea

In this article, we’ll be talking about a very interesting aspect of culture: Clothing in South Korea.

One of the most important things of consideration, whenever you travel to a place, is not just how to put together the most fun and productive itinerary, but also what to wear whilst there. How do you plan your outfits for the season in place during your trip? And even more importantly: what not to wear when in South Korea, so you do not offend anyone?

TOPIK – What You Need To Know About this Korean Test

Are planning to take the TOPIK?

If you are already somewhat familiar with studying Korean or studying in South Korea as a foreigner, you may have heard the word TOPIK mentioned a few times. But what is that word, exactly? What does it stand for? And is it something you should care about?

In this article, we will go over the TOPIK exam together with you!

Hangul Stroke Order – How to Write Korean Letters

As you’ve been learning Korean and its alphabet, a thought may have crossed your mind: is there a Hangul stroke order? The answer to this is yes! Specific stroke orders are also followed in writing each character in the Korean alphabet.

This lesson will help you learn each stroke order for the Korean letters. By the end of this lesson, you’ll not only have improved on your skills as you write in the Korean language, and you’ll be well on your way to crafting some beautiful calligraphy with Hangul!
