Full-time Haeundae,


Job Ad Type: 

School: Plenus Language Institute

Location: Jangsan, Haeundae, Busan

Job: One full-time teacher starting June 1st (starting date can be a little flexible)

Qualifications: University degree + prior teaching experience.

Visa: Must be legally able to work as a teacher in Korea (E2, F4, F6 visa)

Salary: 2.6 million won

Housing: a studio apt. will be provided or a 400,000 won housing allowance will be paid monthly if you already have an apt.

Health insurance: provided.

Severance fee: paid at the end of the contract.

Vacation: all national holidays + summer vacation and approx. 10 additional no-class days.

Air ticket: one-way ticket provided

Students: mostly elementary school plus 1 or 2 middle school classes each day.

Class number: Maximum of six 45-minute classes - M-F. 2 pm - 9 or 9:30 pm (28-30 classes per week.) No more than 20 working days per month.

School details: We have an interesting program (debate, movie, newspaper, discussion classes.) It’s a reliable school, a supportive staff environment, no management issues, 11 current foreign teachers

Contact info: E-mail: [email protected] - Ph: 010-9362-2216 - Facebook Messenger Name: Damian Moleta

Does the school pay monthly contributions into a Pension Plan? : 


Is Health Insurance in the contract? : 


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