Winter Migratory Birding Event 2010 @ Nakdong Estuary


Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 09:30


Event Type: 

1. Birding Sites(18th & 19th): The Nakdong River Estuary area 
① Mt. Ah-Mih 
② Eulsukdo 
③ Myeongji Tidal Flat

2. Participants: 
① 18th : Open to Students and the Public 
② 19th: Primary (4th~6th graders) Secondary (Middle and High School students) 

3. Number of Participants (19th Sun.): 
① Total 60 Groups (2 persons each group) 
② Total 180persons (including an advisor or a parent for each group + 30 primary students + 30 secondary students)

4. Registration: Nov. 29(Mon.) ~ Dec. 16(Thurs.) 
① No Participant’s Fee 
② Fill out and send Application form through a fax or email by Dec. 16(Thurs.)
i. fax: 051-851-9228
ii. email: [email protected] (in the order of receipt)
iii. website:

5. Regulation/Rule: 
① Allow less than 10 students from each school to participate(19th Sun.).
② Not allowed to register for the event next year if students being absent without leave after registration for one in Dec. this year. 
③ Keeping good manners for other birders (18th Sat. – 19th Sun.)
i. No loud noises allowed, 
ii. No threatening gestures towards birds, 
iii. No running and hopping, etc 
④ Avoid bright colored clothes (18th & 19th). 
⑤ This event will not be postponed even in case of rain(18th & 19th).
⑥ Please, bring your own cup or a bottle of water.

6. Hosted by 
① Busan City Office of Education (부산광역시 교육청)–18th Sat.
② Local Agenda 21 for Busan (녹색도시부산21추진협의회)- 19th Sun.

7. Supervised by 
① Wetlands and Birds Korea(WBK)
② Local Agenda 21 for Busan

8. Sponsored by 
① Busan City
② Ministry of Environment of the Nakdong River Basin

9. Things that you will need (18th & 19th): 
① Lunch box 
② Binoculars (a scope) **
③ Bird guide book, 
④ Pastel, color paint, markers, or color pens, a drawing board, and a pencil
⑤ Warm jacket, 
⑥ Face guard 
⑦ Water
**Binoculars and a field scope for birding can be rented from staff of Wetlands and Birds Korea (WBK).- 18th & 19th 

10. Awards (Dec. 19th Sun.)

11. Souvenir for all the participants will be presented.