Where can I buy a Pea Coat

I'm looking to buy a black Pea Coat at a decent price. Does any one have any suggestions for a place that has good quality at a reasonable price?


a wool coat or a fleece !

Ugh for that military stuff search with the term 피코트.  quality/price range depends on fabrics from mixed cotton to wool for natural from polyester to nylon for man-made.  I never seen any with sculptured metal ornaments,  since it is not any item in trends many local fabricators make it out of woven peas for babies and children.  they are mostly dark shades in gem navy, charcoal, ebony, black pearl, etc.  lotte.com has got some lighter but thick looking ones.  Short length never has any belt, cuz they won't call it as a pea for a coat.  A Tailored Coat is a better term to find it with ease.  

Re: Where can I buy a Pea Coat

I actually didn't know what a pea coat was, so Googled it and it turns out that the name is the same in Korean, and widely available on gmarket et al. Prices seem to range from about 50 bucks and upwards.