Tibetan Monasteries or Temple?

From the Koreabridge Inbox....

Could you kindly give me information about a Tibetan monastery/temple in Busan city or anywhere in Korea, if you are aware. I would be grateful if you could give me the contact address and numbers of this temple/monastery.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Re: Tibetan Monasteries or Temple?

The Lama (named after Dalai Lama) Temples are called about Mongolian Buddhist churches and most of Tibetan churches are locating either in Mongolia or in China or in some Manchuria far above the North Korea.  

Korea was historically attacked by Kubla Khan some hundred years ago during the KyoReo Period.  The most notorious temple with damage is recorded as the most influenced by the Lama Buddhism in nearby Busan areas.  

I believe there's one called HaeInSa 해인사 in KyungSangNamDo province, which preserves the world first wooden printmaking plates, PalManDaeJangKyung 팔만대장경.  Their address and phone number are  

경상남도 합천군 가야면 치인리 TEL: 055-934-3002.