Episode 1 – What Would You Do For Fame?

After I called the previous episode the zero episode on a whim, this is now our official first episode.

Download Link for Episode 1

In the news segment we cover Heechul’s accident with a lightboard at Super Show 3 in Shanghai, and I make jokes that are probably uncalled for, but it’s always important to remember that you shouldn’t throw things that can become missiles or injure someone.  We also discuss the fact that JYJ’s fanmade Internet Station created because their group was being obviously blacklisted in the traditional media has shut down after 4 days, SME announces that they bought the rights to create a Korean Drama based on the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (Hana Kimi) and Noelle creates dream-casting by suggesting f(x)’s Amber as the lead, Big Bang tops downloadable charts, including iTunes and hits two of BillBoard’s charts, and eager eyes discover Teddy Park’s (of  1TYM) cameo in Chris Brown’s “Look At Me Now” MV ft. Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne.

An example of 1TYM’s music from their last album, released back in 2005.

We’re sidetracked for a bit talking about Crown J and his current troubles and I completely blank on Young Dro’s name.

Following the news we cover two freetalk segments. The first is some discussion of the increasingly common occurrence of Korean artists migrating to the Japanese market. We reason out the why beyond the obvious (money) and talk about the respect needed to continue your growth in both industries. Regretably we neglect to mention the reverse, of an unestablished Korean artist migrating from the Japanese market back to the Korean market. I am so sorry for forgetting about you Go Younha, I still love you.

We give credit to the original BoA, to the first Korean Boyband to take Japan by storm, Dong Bang Shin Ki/Tohoshinki and about those that are following in their footsteps currently.

The last topic covered is “What would you do to become famous?” and we discuss mostly the issues surrounding Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide. She was an actress in the obscenely popular Korean remake of Boys Over Flowers and committed suicide shortly after to draw attention to her plight and similar ones of other actresses. A portion of the list of 31 men she accused her company of forcing her to provide sexual favors to leaked on the Internet this past week. These were men she accused of being Devils, and while this list has yet to be independently verified, it is still shining a light on the darker side of the Entertainment industry.  Up to the point of recording the police had accused her list of being fabricated by Jun, the inmate friend of hers, but shortly after a group of independent experts spoke about the unlikelihood of the list being faked.

Find out more about depression here NIH on depression

Next episode we hope to cover some more positive things in our freetalk segments. We’re also going to talk a bit about MBLAQ and the trend of boy/girl idol groups to include both very talented members and those that fit in well to the group (not meant as an insult to MBLAQ). And Noelle is going to try to continue to improve as an editor.

Opening Song – Kara’s Mister (Japanese version)
Ending Song – MBLAQ – Y