Why I've been blog MIA:

The one main reason is that I have been having TONS of difficulties with my ankle the last few months. If some of you remember I was t-boned by a truck about a year and a half ago while riding my bike in Midtown-Sacramento, California. Well, after finally getting in touch with an ankle specialist here, he explained the severity of the nerve damage to my ankle and subsequent chronic pain. Since our first meeting, I have been going to the hospital six days a week for electro-therapy, microwave treatment, laser therapy, physical therapy and acupuncture. Not to mention dealing with some emotional trauma realizing that there is a chance I may never be able to do all of the activities I once loved-hiking, rock climbing, running or even standing for long periods of time, etc. Thankfully, I have been showered by uplifting support from my family, friends and the healthcare professionals here in Korea. I am committed to staying positive and strong about my situation and to focus on all of the blessings I have in life. So, in an effort to do so I am getting back to my video blogging and will start by posting some videos I haven't yet and continue to make and post new ones. Please keep the comments coming and I hope you enjoy them!
Jamie Lomazzi