

I was teaching some students about El Salvador. People don’t know much about it, even in America. I know, I know…it’s the size of a pea. So I have to spread the word on the motherland, if not for my sake than at least to spread the word on its super delicious food.  But sometimes students just like to tease me:

Miss Alex: So this is the traditional food we eat.

::points to picture and then the word ‘pupusa’ ::

Student: Oooo …

Miss Alex: Do you know what that is? [My mistake, I should have said "Do you know what that says?"]

Student: … Pupuzilla! 

Miss Alex: What?! No, pupusa!

Student: No, pupuzilla. 

*A pupusa is a traditional Salvadorian dish made of a thick, hand-made corn tortilla that is usually filled with a blend of cheese, beans and pork. Pupusas are typically served with ‘curtido’ (lightly fermented cabbage slaw with red chilies and vinegar) and a watery tomato salsa.