A passing thought

Feelings have an annoying habit of coming and going and resisting our attempts to control or reproduce them. Being is much more immediate than that—it’s the pause between thoughts, the space in which everything comes and goes, the stillness underlying all activity, the awareness that’s looking out through our eyes right now. Immediate though it may be, it nevertheless eludes our efforts to “make it happen” or grasp it conceptually—and it’s so subtle and empty of content that the mind may overlook it.”        -Stephan Bodian

I took this quote from an article I just read because I feel it demonstrates a consistent relevancy in my life;  I will go out on a limb and assume there are others out there like me who harbor the tendency of taking the present for granted, letting time slip by in nonchalance, and worse yet, willing it away in anticipation of times ahead.   I could follow my train of thought like a carrot on a stick, or I could spare myself the time and you the confusion and get to the simple point that needed no introduction in the first place…  Point being I thought this was a beautiful quote and wanted to pass it along, as I think we can all benefit from its reminder from time to time.