Busan KOTESOL Meeting at ESS in Nampodong


Saturday, November 19, 2011 - 14:30


Event Type: 



Hello everybody,

We hope that you're having a good fall semester and that your classes are going well. We are going to be having our Annual Business Meeting and will be finalizing the results of our annual elections on November 19th.  Before doing so we will have a presentation by Noel Woodward.  Professor Woodward holds an MA from the University of New England in Applied Linguistics. He has been in Korea for 11 years, and currently works at the teacher training program at BUFS, where he has worked for the last 3 years.He will be presenting on common pronunciation issues that Korean English speakers have and how, as teachers, to approach them.

Anybody who would like to be a part of the volunteer group that makes our chapter function is more than welcome to do so.  In addition to the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Web Master and Secretary we have Members at Large.  The MaL position is perfect for people who would like to start volunteering, but would like to become more familiar with the workings of the chapter before committing to one of the other roles, and for people who would like to help out, but are unsure of how busy they will be in the upcoming year and don't want to sign up for a position that they aren't sure they will be able to deal with the responsibilities of those positions.  I personally invite anybody who would like to help our chapter's continued revitalization to ask to become a Member at large.

After the meeting we will be gathering for a meal at our usual venue (Ashley's buffet) and socializing. Everyone is invited to attend.

What: November Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, November 19th, at 2:30pm
Where: On the 4th floor of the ESS in Nampo Dong: subway exit #7 (unmarked), turn left around the corner, the building is on the left.

Who: All members and non-members invited.

We hope to see you there,