Busan-Gyeongnam Kotesol December Meeting: English in North Korea


Saturday, December 14, 2013 - 15:00


Event Type: 

Busan-Gyeongnam Kotesol would like to warmly welcome you to our meeting on December 14th.  It promises to be a unique and interesting time, with Joshua Adams interviewing Cassie Kim about her experiences teaching and studying English in North Korea and the challenges she has faced with regard to English since coming to South Korea.  There will be an open question/answer time following the interview but Mrs. Kim requests that these questions be directly related to teaching and studying English.

Please feel free to join our reflective practice (RP) group, which meets before the regular meeting. During the RP session we will focus on "controversial decisions in the classroom." In addition, everyone is welcome to join us for dinner following the meeting, at a restaurant in Nampo-Dong (usually Ashley's Buffet).  
Meeting information:

Time/Day: Saturday, December 14th, 3:00 (reflective practice meeting at 1:00)
Who: free for everyone.  Bring a friend!

See you then,