BG KOTESOL Meeting September 15th!


Repeats every day until Sat Sep 01 2012.
Saturday, September 15, 2012 - 14:30


Event Type: 

Greetings!  All of us at BG KOTESOL hope your new semester is starting out well.  Our September KOTESOL meeting promises to be informative.  Scott Miles, a PhD in Applied Linguistics and associate professor at Daegu Haany University, will present “Language Learning and Memory:  Four Findings from Memory Research Teachers Should Know.”  The presentation will address, among other things, Working Memory and learning; practices to promote long-term retention, and a consideration of the consequences of the current education environment in Korea as it pertains to learning and memory function.  This is a presentation which is surely relevant for all ELT practitioners in South Korea.  Hope to see you there.

What: September BG KOTESOL Meeting 
When: September 15th, 2:30 p.m.
Where: On the 4th floor of the ESS in Nampo Dong: subway exit #7 (unmarked), turn left around the corner, the building is on the left.
Who: All members and non-members invited.
**Also be before the KOTESOL meeting we will have a reflective practice session starting at 12:00.  All are invited, come and you're sure find some inspiration you can bring back to your classroom!