Why 마익흘 Joined Youtube

Hey, it's a video about American politics! I'm sure this won't be controversial at all . . . I made a major error here: Michelle Bachmann didn't call Obama un-American, she called him anti-American . . . which is quite a bit worse. Anyway, if you really really want to, you can see that clip here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJIQm_7YAUI Please note: I'm not saying Republicans are the only ones who use deceptive and inaccurate language. Democrats do too, but while Republican language is often divisive and misleading, the language of Democrats can often be weak and ineffective. It sucks, but it's not nearly as off-putting as the language coming from across the aisle.
From: p00lman
Views: 26
3 ratings
Time: 02:14More in Comedy


Name:  Michael 마익흘 Aronson

I'm an American Korean rock star, sort of. I write songs, make music videos, play instruments, talk about Korea, and do other fun and crazy stuff. Oh, and I know everything about English grammar.
If you have any questions, comments, compliments, criticism, or you're just really bored, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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