Little Prince Illustrated by Kim Min Ji

This week while I was hanging around the bookstore I came across an amazing table of beautifully illustrated classic children’s stories!! Red Haired Ann, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, and Little Prince 어린왕자 ~ Of course!! Oh Korea, you always show Little Prince so much love~ Lets take a look at some of the illustrations in the book♥

The Illustrator of these (and a few of the other books we came across) is Kim Min Ji

The price is about 10,000 won in stores, but if you are able to use Gmarket you can buy it online for even cheaper like this listing HERE!

♥ ♥ ♥

Not every single page is illustrated, but the ones that are are beautiful! Totally happy I bought this for my collection, Nara and I are book hoarders haha.  The books are not too expensive considering they are very nice hardcover prints, I think I may go back and buy some more from this publisher.  Korea sells MANY versions of the 어린왕자 story, but this is the prettiest one I have seen so far! I wish they would do a line of notebooks with this art on it~ they sell tons with the original art (which I do not find very cute :/) but none with unique or new art.  Come on Korea, I know you want to!

They also had the Korean printing of “The Return of the Young Prince” on display close by.  I have no clue if it is any good, but they have it in English E-book form on Amazon HERE