It's good to be back in Korea

Thursday 24th March, 2011

Today- I am back in freezing cold South Korea! Ohhh how I've missed this place. Surprisingly, I'm not lying lol

The time getting here was long and restless, but I managed to get abit of sleep. The airport process was quick and I soon got a cab to take me back to the hotel. I arrived just after 7am this morning and it took longer than usual to get back to the hotel, as peak hour was in full swing.

It was good to see familiar faces again. The girls at reception were there and greeted me Mr Kim, the manager helped me carry my bags to the lift. I swipped my keycard, walked into our room and marvelled. I made it. I was home. First thing I did was look outside the window to see the mountains surrounded me and the bus terminal.

I decided I would sleep today as much as I possibly could. I haven't slept properly for 2 days and I'm at that sleep deprived stage where you feel drunk. I had a shower, went downstairs for breakfast, read my book a little (You are Clairvoyant by Belinda Grace) and eventually, when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, I made my way back to our room, took my ugg boots off, closed the curtains and crawled into bed. How nice was it to be able to spread out on the bed!! considering I have been cramped and sleeping upright for the past 10 hours, this was bliss!

2pm and my eyes started to open. I slept real good. I logged onto MSN and spoke to daniel and skyped mum for a bit. In the evening Daniel and I went to have some Korean BBQ at the Homeplus. I also tried the Korean drink Soju. The stuff is horrible. It's like a wine, but it's just all chemicals. After a while, it starts having this acetone smell to it and at that point I think it's time to stop drinking it lol. I also took the opportunity to look at some of the bikes there, as I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY wanting one.

Gan Bae!!!

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