Cute Punk Skull Fashion in Korea

Even though the style overall in Seoul is a very safe feminine look, Korea has lots of really nice pieces for sale with spikes, studs, and skulls!  Maybe I just hang out in the wrong areas and the edgy people are all in one area on the weekend, because these things are in every store + high end ones so people are obviously buying!  The look is similar to the Japanese style, but a *little* simpler.. still lots of tight leggings and big shirts with thoughtful details overall though.  Here is some shopping eye candy of what we can call a “girly punk” style here~

SOME YOU CAN BUY ONLINE THROUGH MY SIDEBAR SHOPS!! I’ll link ones I found stuff for!

♥ ♥ ♥

outfit styling from Korean shop “Lemon Cookie”♥ I see that spike headband all the time in Seoul! It’s so interesting~ could not find any listings online for one though outside of shopping on a korean site :( sorry OMG NEVERMIND! YESSTYLE GOT ONE IN! ~  The bag is so cute, several stores are selling it atm in a few styles~ but no English listings atm! I will keep my eyes open though.

Here is the style Yesstyle is selling atm HERE ! Two colors as well ♥

South Korea skull cuff up on the Yesstyle shop HERE

(left) Korea off-brand (right) from Sammy Dress HERE

The shirt is an off-brand~ The leggings are as well!

you can buy a stripe version HERE and or 200 other versions of the slashed ones HERE

South Korea skull backpack~ also found the SAME one on yesstyle HERE

Lemon Cookie

Punky pop wedges from Sammydress HERE  and Skull bag with skull studs on Yesstyle HERE

So Nara got these SAME skull glasses in Japan for freaking 3000Yen (almost $38!) Yesstyle has them for like $18! HERE

Lemon Cookie and G-Market

Candy-colored Skull Dress!! On Yesstyle HERE ♥ I love this one

Pretty studded bow to finish off the outfit! Off brand, found one HERE


Super cute wedges that would go with this look on Yestyle HERE

Scarf Image from Bloodycat and I found an identical one on Yesstyle HERE in 3 colors!

♥ ♥ ♥

Keep in mind most Korean “Brands” just make minor tweaks, If anything. Example above is that scarf is from “bloodycat” but it was not designed by them or Redopin the brand yesstyle lists~ it all comes from the same factory, so the brand loyalty some are used to back in the states or in Japan does not apply here so much.  If you want some of the things you saw or wish to recreate a look~ Yesstyle is the best for getting stuff actually from Korea, so follow the links.  For everything else, you can pay extra to use a shopping service or try looking on!