Cute Craft Kits of Korea

As a little girl I LOVED different arts and craft kits~ spin art, paper flower press, clay charms, you name it and I wanted it or got it for my birthday if I was lucky. Korea is FILLED with cute little art kits for kids, and they all look like a lot of fun… I have almost bought a few just to play with~  It is hard to resist!  Here are some quick snapshots of cool ones I come across here ♥  I will add new ones to the top of this post as I find them!

Floam-type molding kit for making pretend doughnuts!

Jewelry bling set you make with a sparkle liquid!

Mimi fashion doll kit

Cute clay craft kit on display~

close up!  Look at all the cute things you can make ♥

♥ ♥ ♥

Sorry about the photo or lighting quality in some of these!

I have to ninja snap them at the stores so I can’t be too picky ^^