Cheap Toys in Korea

Another one of my dorky loves is looking at cheap toys… I can’t help myself.  I like to look at them in the dollar stores, that random shelf they would always have at the grocery, and the party favor aisles… I make a point just to swing by and see them sometimes.  I’m not sure why I like looking at them, maybe because since they are SO cheap you never know what the heck you will find.  Sometimes I see super ugly things, sometimes bootlegs, sometimes just the package art has been ripped off, and sometimes I see something that is kinda cute!  Anyway, now that I live in Seoul I have a whole new assortment of cheap Korean toys to look at~ So this will me my post to share them!

I will update this post as I spot more! please send me photos if you live in Korea and see a cool cheap-o toy!

If you want to see my general Korean Toy post or Photo snapping from a Korean Toys R Us please check the related posts here!

♥ ♥ ♥

 ”Melody Phone” with a blonde Ariel + Frog Princess gown + Barbie on the packaging!