
The 6th graders all came to school this morning to find out which of the 4 neighborhood Middle Schools they'll be attending in March. (It's done by a lottery system in Korea and their elementary school teachers tell them). My entire hallway erupted, for at least an hour, with the loudest screams as the students found out which middle school they were assigned. They seemed to be either really excited, or really bummed about the news...  Either way, it was the SAME sounding, blood curdling, scream!  Gotta love overly dramatic Korean preteens! blog-signature


Re: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!

I'm a big fan of you and your husband.  You two are photo geniuses!  Plus, I like cats so Project Kitty is a plus. 

Re: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!

WOW!  Thank youso much for the sweet compliment!  We definitely <3 photography!  I just figured out how to see if there were any comments to my blog made through Koreabridge tonight, hence the very very late reply. Oops!