93% Of Votes In Korea Gives Sanders Highest Ratio Of Support In Democrats Abroad Global Primary

With 682 out of 735 votes cast be Americans living in South Korea, Bernie Sanders won a landslide 93 percent of support – his highest in the entire Democrats Abroad global primary.

Democrats Abroad South Korea Chair and Hanyang University Professor David Wagner says despite having strong membership when Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, those numbers have now dropped and made South Korea a non-official branch, a designation that prevented the organization from having official polling stations. However, despite that limitation political activist Mikaela Kingsbury says her team’s efforts to hand out 500 ballots to get out the vote for Bernie Sanders in the Itaewon area probably resulted in the majority of the Senator’s support. Kelly McCleskey is just one of many who volunteered their time for Sanders, and says despite deliberately leaving the US decades ago during the Reagan Administration, the Sanders campaign brought him back to American politics. Listen to Korea FM’s full audio report for more information.

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