안녕히 가세요, Korea: Some Things We’ll Miss About You

This week we head back to America, which for all its school shootings and conspicuous consumption, will always be home. We will return to a pretty similar version of the life we left there two years ago, kids a little bit older, location a little more central, but essentially the standard NC middle class teacher existence.

We will always hold this place in our hearts. Korea has been special for us in a ton of ways. Living abroad is challenging, and especially so when transitioning between Western and Eastern cultures. Living here, thriving here, taught us a lot about ourselves, our resiliency, our ability to surmount obstacles together.

And there are a laundry list of things we’ll miss about this place. Here are just a couple:

1.  Cheap, delicious food eaten in the company of good friends (WITH CHOPSTICKS):




2.  Easily accessible and readily available hiking:



3.  These little monsters, who, for better or worse, have certainly made sure the last two years weren’t boring:





4.  Hapkido!!!



5.  Two years of weekends full of exciting things to do and see:


Cheongsapo red lighthouse and Ric

Cheongsapo red lighthouse and Ric

Festival, Jongno-3dong, Seoul

Festival, Jongno-3dong, Seoul



6.  Kooky fashion choices and hilarious use of English:




7.  K-Pop:  Our arrival coincided almost exactly with the release and worldwide explosion of “Gangnam Style” and, as anyone who’s lived in Korea knows, K-Pop is ubiquitous here, like an earworm you never quite rid yourself of but aren’t entirely displeased to find out you’ve acquired.  We’ll miss the crazy, over the top videos most of all.


In short, Korea, it’s been a blast!  We’ll always remember you and all the wonderful people we’ve met during our time here.  감사합니다 for an amazing two years in the Land of the Morning Calm!  We’re off  on the next (hopefully, of many) adventures.

Taking a cue from The Breakfast Club, don’t you forget about us, Busan.


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Busan, Goodbye, Korea, Travel