How do you feel about the U.S. Election Results?

Great News! MAGA!
24% (41 votes)
Cautiously Optimisitc
5% (9 votes)
No strong feelings either way
5% (8 votes)
Somewhat Concerned
15% (26 votes)
Shocked, Distressed and/or Scared
43% (72 votes)
Don't Care / What Election?
8% (13 votes)
Total votes: 169


Re: How do you feel about the U.S. Election Results?

I would be curious where are the votes coming from , I am from USA and voted great news , I want America to go on a different path ,I want a change . I am against the Wall and the Muslim ban , I dont think either will happen , 

Re: How do you feel about the U.S. Election Results?

Most people have placed the bar very low for Trump ,  I think he will easily clear the bar and be a very good President ,  I would say he will do more then Obama did in 2 terms . Trump will have more accomplishments in one term then he had in two , What were Obamas  major accomplishments in office ?I like Ben Carson the most .