Duripara Paragliding Company


Business/Organization Type: 


DuriPara is a tandem paragliding that offers an amazing opportunity for fly over Busan, safely and affordably.  
지상에서 이륙 !!   새로운 방식의 패러글라이딩 !!
DURI PARA  텐덤 패러글라이딩 1인 비행체험  전문업체.
부산 낙동강 강변의 잔디밭에서 이륙, 착륙하는 새로운 방식의 패러글라이딩 !! 
(산에서의 패러글라이딩은 가기가 힘들고, 기다려야하는 시간이 많고, 종종 위험한 순간들이 생겨 다치는 경우가 있다
그래서 우리 두리패러는 100% 안전하고 더욱 재미있는 시스템을 개발 하였다)
지상에서 하늘로 올라가는 재미를 더해 더욱 멋진 비행 추억이 될것입니다.
(동일한 이륙장, 착륙장)
Duripara uses a towing system that allows us to take off and land on the ground near the Nakdong riverside.  Paragliding can be more dangerous when taking off or landing from a mountain, so our company uses this method to make paragliding 100%  safe and fun, so that you can just focus on making great memories as your fly around Busan. 
 꼭 ~ 보세요 !!  궁금증 해결~
Check out this video and photos below to see what it's like to fly with us. 
 기상예보가 비가 오거나 바람이 아주 강할경우 비행체험을 할수 없습니다.
예약일 1일전 오후에 연락을 드립니다.
Reservations recommended!! 010-2818-4321
When it is raining or very windy, this activity is not available. Please give us a call at least one day before the day you want to fly with us. 
1인 체험 가격  평일 80,000원 주말(공휴일) 90,000원
비행 동영상 촬영비 별도( 비행중 풀 HD영상)
Activity price 80,000 Weekend and Holidays 90,000
Extra fee for video recording while you fly ( provided in full HD)
활공장 위치:  부산 화명동 화명생태공원 안의 수상레포츠 타운
Location: Water Sportstown in Hwamyoung Ecological Park, Hwamyoung-dong.
Directions : 10 min walk from Sujeoung subway staion exit no.3 or Hwamyoung subway station exit no.1, right in front of lotte mart

View Busan Guide Map in a larger map
Address: 1449, Daeyeon 5-dong, Nam-gu, Busan
Contact number: 010 2818 4321
Bank Information:
송금계좌 : 부산은행 113-2001-5688-04 김정수
Busan Bank :113-2001-5688-04 김정수 (Kim Jeong Su)


Re: Duripara Paragliding Company

Hi there!

I will be travelling to Korea from 2nd to 11th August with another guy friend of mine and one activity we will like to embark on will be paragliding in Busan!

May I know what's the requirement and whether paragliding will be available from 2nd to 6th as we will be making our way to Seoul on the 7th onwards. Thank you so much!!

Cheers, Eric

Re: Duripara Paragliding Company

Hi there,

A group of friends and myself are interested in paragliding sometime over the next few weeks. I would just like to get some information before booking anything. How long does the experience last from start to finish? And do you offer lessons? Thanks for your help.

