Language Exchange In Daejeon


Repeats every week until Wed Dec 31 2014.
Sunday, December 15, 2013 - 15:00
Sunday, December 22, 2013 - 15:00
Sunday, December 29, 2013 - 15:00


Event Type: 

  • Language Exchange In Daejeon

    Offical facebook page:

    Check out the video to get an idea of how the meeting works:

    Add EunSeok, Michael, the operators, as a friend for more information.
    공동 운영자인 Eunseok, Michael 을 친구추가하시고 더많은 정보 받으세요! 
    **네이버에 '대전 언어 교환' 모임이라고 하면 나오는 페이지도 참조하세요^^

    Pics :

    ***If you've haven't joined our group yet, please do so! 

    Group :

    If interested, check out Language Exchange video via the link below

    -- If you want to have dinner with the people after the meeting, Please, let any of the staff know about your attendance, then we will make a reservation for a restaurant --
    끝나고 저녁 함께하실분은 스태프에게 알려주세요! 

    Meet new friends and find language exchange partners for English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish,French, Korean and any other languages.
    외국인 친구들과 만나서 외국어 연습해봐요(영어/일본어/중국어/스페인어/프랑스어/한국어/다른 외국어들)

    Improve your language skill in a fun and friendly environment.
    재미있고 친근한 분위기에서 랭귀지를 연습할수 있어요

    You can have a casual conversation, study languages, bring your books, play a game, etc with various people.
    다양한사람들과 함께 부담없이 대화 나누셔도 좋고 언어를 같이 공부할 수도 있고 책이나 게임을 즐겨도 좋아요

    All beginners are welcome, Come alone or with your friends.
    초보자들도 환영입니다. 혼자오셔도 좋고 친구들같이오셔도 좋아요!!

    - How to exchange languages: Come into the cafe, order a drink if you want, take a seat next to a foreigner, and start talking; exchanging the languages!! If you have your own books studying, you can bring them to get more help from native speakers.
    언어 교환하는 법: 편하게 카페에 들어오셔서 외국인 옆에 앉으시고 대화하면서 언어교환 시작 하시면되요. 공부하시던 책있으면 가져와서 원어민들한테 물어봐도 좋아요

    - Languages: Korean, English, Japanese,French, Chinese, Spanish and any other languages :
    언어: 영어/한국어/일본어/중국어/프랑스어/스페인어/기타 외국어

    - Place: ‘LAVITA’ (in Eunhangdong where the Daejeon train station is located at).
    장소: 대전 은행동 카페 'LAVITA'

    - Fee : 6000won (cash only) to the manager or staff at the coffee shop
    회비: 6천원(현금으로 준비해주세요^^) 카페 매니저나 스탭에게 주시면 됩니다.

    You get 1 free drink.
    무료 음료 한잔 드실수 있습니다^^

    It has a space for about 50 people, and gives participants a comfortable environment to meet new people and talk in different languages.
    - 카페에서 편안하게 다양한사람을 만나고 원하시는 언어를 연습하실수 있는 환경을 제공해줘요~^^ 

    - Directions: 
    From Jungangro Station: Take exit 2 and walk straight. Take the second left and walk until you see Sung Sim Dang bakery. Take the road opposite from Sung Sim Dang. You will soon see the café on your right, across from the stationary store, 

    If you know the bar Brickhouse, our meeting place, LAVITA is very close by. If you walk from Brickhouse towards the subway station and exits 2 & 3 you should cross the road at the KB bank and turn right up the street just past it. Take the road opposite Sung Sim Dang. You will soon see the café on your right, across from the stationary store, 

    From Daejeon Station: Follow the underground walkway to Jungangro Station or walk towards Eunhaengdong above ground. When you reach the station, follow the directions as above from Exit 2.

    **Check out maps on the event page or the group for whereabouts of the cafe

    - 오시는길: 성심당 맞은편에 '신촌' 떡볶이 집이 있는 조그마한 골목길로 S닷이 있는쪽으로 쭉걸어오시면 S닷 맞은편에 있어요
    *네이버 다음 지도 검색시 '카페 라비타' (은행동지점이에요)

    Bring your friends or Spread it around! 
    친구분들을 데려오시거나 많이 퍼뜨려주세요~

    Contact - 010-3643-5451 (Eunseok) or 010-8222-4017 (Michael)