'Joint Security Area’ (2000) at Seoul Global Cultural Center


Saturday, June 6, 2015 - 15:00


Event Type: 

From: https://www.facebook.com/events/486076114902566/

Please join Seoul Film Society and the Royal Asiatic Society Cinema Club for our first June screening on Saturday 6th June. Released in 2000, “Joint Security Area” stars Lee Young-ae (‘Sympathy for Lady Vengeance’), Lee Byung-hun (‘A Bittersweet life’) and Song Kang-ho (‘Memories of Murder’). It was directed by Park Chan-wook (‘Old Boy’) and is based on the novel ‘DMZ’ by Park Sang-yeon. The film concerns an investigation into the circumstances surrounding a fatal shooting incident within the DMZ, the heavily fortified border that separates North and South Korea. It was the highest grossing film in Korean film history at the time and won Best Film at the 2000 Blue Dragon Film Awards and the 2001 Grand Bell Awards. ENGLISH SUBTITLES. (www.facebook.com/events/977701422274952/)

서울필름소사이어티와 왕립아시아학회 시네마클럽에서 공동으로 개최하는 6월 영화상영회에 초대합니다. 일정은 6월 6일 토요일입니다. 이번 상영회에서는 2000년에 개봉한 작품 '공동경비구역'입니다. 영화 '친절한 금자씨'의 여배우 이영애와 '달콤한 인생'의 이병헌, 그리고 '살인의 추억'의 송강호 등 유명 배우들이 대거 출연한 영화이며 '올드보이'의 박찬욱 감독이 박상연 소설 'DMZ'를 바탕으로 감독한 영화입니다. 이 영화는 한국과 북한을 나누는 경계선 DMZ에서 일어난 총격사건의 수사 과정을 배경으로 합니다. 개봉 당시 최고의 흥행성적을 기록하였으며 2000년 청룡영화제와 2001년 대종영화제에서 수상작품입니다. 영화는 영어자막과 함께 상영됩니다. (www.facebook.com/events/977701422274952/)

There will be an introduction to the film by Matt, the well known, highly regarded writer of the popular blog 'Gusts of Popular Feeling.' populargusts.blogspot.kr/

작가이자 인기 블로그 'Gusts of Popular Feeling'(populargusts.blogspot.kr/) 를 운영하는 Matt씨가 영화를 소개해주실것입니다.

Korean Film Archive: (www.koreafilm.org/feature/home_2003_3.asp)

‘Joint Security Area’ is regarded as the second major blockbuster film to emerge in Korean film history, drawing 2.5 million audiences following ‘Swiri’. It deals with the friendship between four North and South Korean soldiers, a topic that had been taboo for filmmakers in Korea. The film is considered to be a better-made film than the blockbusters which followed. It is also regarded as another significant film which explores the serious issue of national division in line with ‘Piagol’, ‘North Korean Partisan in South Korea’, and ‘Swiri’. Especially, compared to ‘Swiri’, ‘Joint Security Area’ frees itself from Cold War ideology and goes one step further from the simple declaration shown in ‘Piagol’ or ‘North Korean Partisan in South Korea’ that "Partisan guerrillas were also humans," though some criticize it as a sentimental approach to a serious issue. ‘Swiri’, on the other hand, employs the national division in a movie for purposes of entertainment and repeats the old black and white ideology of the Cold War in describing contemporary society and making an issue with it (according to film critic Lee Shoo-in's review). In this regard, its historical meaning is highly valued.

It is widely considered that the producer had stronger clout than the director Park Chan-wook did in making ‘Joint Security Area’, with Park once commenting that he simply accepted suggestions from Myung Film Co. regarded directing. This film is a rare work in Korean film history in that the tension from a combination of an "author" who appealed to a small following of film buffs and a film company with a large, commercialized system laid the groundwork for a good film. 

More details here - www.koreanfilm.org/kfilm00.html#jsa

I hope you can all make it. I really look forward to seeing you there. I think it’s going to be a fantastic meeting.

우리 모두가 참여하기를 바랍니다. 그곳에서 모두를 뵙기를 기대하겠습니다. 아주 멋진 모임이 될 것입니다.

All the best
안녕히 계세요.

Barry Welsh 드림.

Date: Saturday 6th June.
날짜: 6월 6일
Time: 3pm. 
시간: 오후 3시
Admission fee: FREE
Place: Haechi Hall in Seoul Global Cultural Centre
(5th Floor M Plaza in Myeong-dong) (www.facebook.com/Seoulcenter3789)

Full directions are here 
장소: 서울글로벌문화체험센터 해치홀 (명동 M플라자 5층)
오시는 길은 다음 링크를 참조하시기 바랍니다.

(Call Barry on 010 5138 8859 if you get lost or can't find it and I will come meet you at exit 6 Myeong-dong station.)

(행사 장소를 찾기 어려우시면 010-5138-8859 배리 웰시에게 전화를 주세요. 명동역 6번 출구로 마중나가겠습니다.)