Biggest Foam Party Ever in Seoul


Saturday, September 4, 2010 - 15:00


Event Type: 


The One & Only! Its the Hottest & Biggest EVER!
Enjoy the IBIZA Style foam party in the middle of Seoul!
A Foam Party at outdoor swimming pool by Han River!

The first and the last chance to experience Resort-style foam party at outdoor pool with thousands of people!
... Don't miss out this chance!

Enjoy the BBQ picnic during the daytime and go crazy with fantastic music and breathtaking riverview in the foam at night!

Everything you want for the PARTY is here!
-Foam Party
-Three (3) different kinds of POOL
-Fantastic music& artist! (DJ lineup will be announced soon!)
-Tropical cocktails
-Show Show Show
-Bikram Yoga experience
-The awesome riverview
-The cool&hot people in the city and much more!

Watz up Korea Special Guest DJ: DJ Hamad AKA *Arab Money*

Date: Saturday September 4th
Time: 3PM - 12AM
Location: Jamwon Hangang park pool
Entrance fee: 20,000won (Reservation) * 25,000won (At the Door)

Account for reservation
843-910003-37704 Hana Bank (주)어게인돈키호테
-After deposit, text your name/phone number at 010 6784 1566-

*VIP Table reservations available *
300,000won (6ppl / 1bottle+3mixers+1dish)
All The VIPs with table reservation are eligible for a 6-month membership of 'BIKRAM YOGA'!

[What is BIKRAM YOGA?]
Detox to Retox!
Bikram Yoga is the 26 postures Sequence selected and developed by Bikram Choudhury from Hatha Yoga. It has been proved and experienced by millions that these 26 postures systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function. Each component takes care of something different in the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, contributing to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits.
Bikram Yoga can be practiced under the guidance of a certified Bikram Yoga Teacher at one of the affiliated Bikram Yoga studios.

For more infos
Contact Hotel Gossip or Watz up Korea

Hotel Gossip:
Group 'Hotel Gossip' on Facebook
Page “a foam party in seoul'on Facebook

Watz up Korea:
Group "Watz up Korea" on facebook

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The One & Only! Its Hottest & Hugest EVER!

지 금 까 지 이 런 파 티 는 없 었 다 !

수천명의 파티피플들이 한데모여 서울도심한복판 한강변 야외수영장에서
리조트스타일의 폼파티를 즐길수 있는 단한번의 기회!
낮에는 BBQ와 함꼐 피크닉을! 밤에는 환상적인 야경과 뮤직을 즐기며 거품파티를 즐겨보세요!

Party를 위한 모든것이 이곳에!
-이비자 스타일의 환상적인 폼파티
-밤에도 즐길 수 있는 야외 수영장
-바베큐 파티
-트로피컬 칵테일
-환상적인 공연
-비크람요가 체험
-여유있는 대화의 장소 라운지
-도시의 핫한 파티 피플들
그리고 much more!

@한강수영장 잠원지구
입 장료
예매시 : 20,000원
현매시 : 25,000원
하나은행 843-910003-37704 (주)어게인돈키호테
-입금후 이름, 폰번호를 010 6784 1566으로 보내주시면 입금확인이 가능합니다.

테이 블 예약 가능
테이블 예약 및 문의
*VIP Table reservations available *
300,000won (6ppl / 1bottle+3mixers+1dish)
테 이블예약을 하신 모든 VIPs들께는 'BIKRAM YOGA'! 6개월 회원권을 드립니다!

[비크람 요가란??]
Detox to Retox!
비크람 요가란 비크람 초우드리에 의해서 만들어진 26가지 요가 동작 시퀀스를 의미합니다. 부상을 방지하기 위하여 의도적으로 방의 온도를 높여 40도씨의 온도에서 공인 강사의 다이얼로그에 맞춰 90분 동안 진행되며, 전 세계 180 여개국가 어디서든 공인 강사들의 표준화된 요가 수업을 즐길 수 있는 요가 프로그램입니다.

Group 'Hotel Gossip' on Facebook
Page “a foam party in seoul'on Facebook

Watz up Korea:
Group "Watz up Korea" on facebook