25th Korea TESOL - PAC International Conference


Repeats every day until Sun Oct 22 2017.
Saturday, October 21, 2017 - 09:00
Sunday, October 22, 2017 - 09:00


Event Type: 

Korea Tesol (aka KOTESOL) is a professional  organization for teachers of English. The organization allows teachers to connect with others in the ELT community and find teaching resources in Korea and abroad through KOTESOL publications, conferences, and local chapter meetings and workshops.

The Korea TESOL International Conference is an annual 2-day conference for English teachers in Korea..  The conference supports Korea TESOL’s mission  to "assist teachers in self-development and improve ELT in Korea.”

This year the conference is being  held in conjunction with the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC).

The conference theme is Why are we here? Analog learning in the digital era. 

Discunted online registration is available until September 24, 2017.

Please visit https://koreatesol.org/content/2017-about-conference For more information.