What are some good ways to watch tv shows or movies on my computer? So far I have just been using torrents and surfthechannel, but I think they are eating my computer away with viruses, spyware, etc. I would love to subscribe to a good streaming service if anyone knows of any. I would be willing to pay small monthly fees (netflix won't work in korea). Free serrvices would, of course, be better if they have a solid service. Any suggestions are appriciated. If you post, please list pros and cons.
Don't know where you're
other places
other streaming sites that are good include:
but recently I found services where you can download files directly,
requires a wait time of 22 seconds and then you fill out a captcha but then you download the file directly rather than through a torrent.
megaupload.net is one, but its constantly going down
hotfileserve.com is the one I am currently using, its the best I've found.