Busan Collaborative Mapping Project

After six years in Busan, I'm now living back in the US and finishing up a degree in geographic information science, and I need help from the Busan expat community to finish my final capstone project. I have developed a mobile web mapping application to help people find all the great place Busan has to offer. It also allows people add new places to the community map.

I only have three weeks left to finish my project and desperately need people in Busan to add locations to a community map using their smart phones. You can mark anything from your favorite restaurant to your neighborhood family mart. It really doesn't matter. I just need people to generate data!

The application also makes it possible to map and review hagwons. This information would be extremely helpful to new teachers who are applying for their first job from overseas.

You can read more about my project here: http://tinyurl.com/br8upqg

And here is a direct link to the mobile web application: http://tinyurl.com/crv5cuq
