Open Mic Stand-up places in Busan?

Hi all,

I've got an idea in my head to try stand-up comedy.  I'm wondering if anyone knows of places in Busan to where I could do an open-mic attempt?


Re: Open Mic Stand-up places in Busan?

the first friday of every month The Ha-Ha Hole takes place at soultrane in pnu.  sign-up starts about 9:30pm and the show starts between 10 and 10:30pm.  it is most always a great time.  the host is kind of scruffy looking, almost like a nerf herder, but that is beside the point, i guess.  all newcomers are most certainly welcome and encouraged!  there is no dress code, drink minimum or maximum, limits on touching sam bibby during his portion of the show, hygiene requirements, etc...  keep an eye out for the calendar on koreabridge the week of/before the show for more information.  also, i think there is a facebook thing under the same name.  definitely give the open mic a try 

Re: Open Mic Stand-up places in Busan?

Come to the Ha-Ha Hole.  It's the first Friday of each month.   Soul Trane in PNU.  The next one is March 4th.

We're getting a good roster these days so try to prepare no more than 8 minutes of material.

Are you on facebook?