Pumpkin pie in Busan?

Is there place (not Costco) where I can get a few pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving?  I am only looking for the pie, not a whole dinner set.



Re: Pumpkin pie in Busan?

Costco, they are 7,000 won each I think. I know you said not Costco, but if you really want one, that is where they have been hiding them.

I know at least 6 people not including myself with a card, surely someone you know has one...

Good luck~

Re: Pumpkin pie in Busan?

Not at CostCo, not anymore. Me and mine just went last night (Wed) to get a pie or 2 for this weekend to find walnut pies where the pumpkin pies should've been. While stroking the bald stretch of desk, we asked a baker what the F@!$ happened. Apparently, someone just cleaned them out, buying over 30 pies that very morning. They aren't baking any more apparently. 

Best bet's to hit up the litle bakeries, though that's really more of a hail mary than anything else. Bake one yrself?

Re: Pumpkin pie in Busan?

Can anyone else confirm this?  I was about to go to Costco, but heard this news.  

Re: Pumpkin pie in Busan?

Just call Costco, my buddy was there a couple of days ago, Friday or Thursday and he got two.

I was actually there the day that they sold out(WED), and the guy I talked to said they would have it back in the morning, I just did not have time to go back...