TL;DR - Health Care in Korea

Martina's a sick sissy baby today, so we stayed home to film this week's TL;DR on what it's like when you're sick in Korea, what are the hospitals like, how do you get medicine, what kind of medicine do they offer, and are the rooms as pimped out as they look in Korean Dramas. Our blog also has a boatload of useful information, so check that out. Subscribe for more Videos! ☞ Read more about it on our blog: ☞ ‎ Watch the full playlist here: ☞ Check it out on Facebook: ☞ Chat with us on Twitter ☞
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Time: 08:37 More in Shows

Eat Your Kimchi is a blog about Korea and covers topics on Life in Korea, Korean Food, Kpop, and lots more.

Courtesy of our Life in Korea blog