Open Forum

Play Badminton

Interested in playing badminton?

There is a mountain court area with a functional club of mostly Korean members, but there is one Canadian, too. We are looking for more foreign members.

Games run from 2:30 to sundown on Saturday and Sunday.

If you are interested just leave a message here, and I will be in contact with you.


It might be best to start in March.

Looking to Jam

I'm on the hunt for some guys or gals to jam with. (Ideally a drummer would be great, but I'll take what I can get.) I'm hoping that we can whip up some ripping songs and drop them on unsuspecting audiences all over Korea.


Anyhow, if you're keen to make something new (with a loosely defined hardcore punk rock slant) instead of sounding like something that already exists (because let's face it, there is already enough bands that sound exactly like someone else already) then feel free to hit me up...


Come and enjoy a village tour in Seoul!

Anyone want to discover Korea closer?
Have you ever visited historical places and tried traditional things in Dongjak-gu, nearby Noryangjin?
'Chunghyo Road', The village tour program in Dongjak-gu, Seoul with the government is now underway!
Do not hesitate to Join a *FREE* program to visit and experience many historical sites!
On November 11th, the program will be conducted in English, especially with many foreigners.


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