Working Hard or Hardly Working?!

Book Making

Once a year the teachers at CEV have to make a text book to use at the school. This year we had to make two completely different books. One for beginner students and one for advanced students. Each book had to contain around 100 pages. It was a difficult task as we didn’t have much allocated time to complete them, but we managed to meet the deadline just about! As CEV has many simulation rooms the topics in the text books centred around them. Every teacher concentrated on one or two topics. This involved making a cover page for each topic, this was probably the only fun part about making the entire book!

CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book CEV Text Book
Filed under: Teaching @ CEV Tagged: Changnyeong English Village, teaching