This Weekend I Neglected My Camera

Sorry everyone! I kept forgetting my camera in my apartment this weekend. My excuse? I was very busy! I partook in a rooftop barbeque, makolli making, salsa dancing, nightclub endeavors, vagina monologues, and general wandering about. The rooftop bbq was held above a surf shop that also sold vespas! It was awesome and we could see the sea. There was good food and great people and we didn’t get back too too late. The next day I learned how to make makolli, a korean carbonated rice wine that is super tasty. We mixed together some yeast, rice and pine needles and it is fermenting still as I write this. After that, it was off to salsa dancing! Where I perfected my two step, and tried my best to keep up in basic salsa moves 101, which was the counting to 6 and twirling bit. After that lesson we watched in awe as some Korean salsa professionals began to fill the room. They were amazing, and all had their own unique flair, an extra kick in their dancing style. For each song they switched up partners, but that did not faze them at all. It was so fun to watch!

Next we heated up the floor on our own, by visiting a Korean club in Haundae beach. It was classic club stuff, with blarring music and bright lights, but also at one point a man with a trumpet played along! The next day I supported a friend by watching the dress rehearsal of The Vagina Monologues Busan, which made me laugh and cry, and was in general, a killer show. Unfortunately I’ll miss the real thing next weekend because I will be at the Parting of the Sea Festival in Jindo. I promise to take pictures then!

As a side note, I am now an official working person here, as I’ve got my ARC card, my internet, and my bank account all set, and I’ve received my first paycheck! Hoorah!

See you all later,

야! 친구!
