Sucking It Up

A few weeks ago was October’s Birthday Party for our Kindergarten classes, and this coming Friday will be November’s Birthday Party.  This means lots of pictures, fried chicken and kimbap for lunch, Birthday cake, and a ceiling full of balloons.

The day of the October party for my 2nd grade science class we were doing a small experiment about stars and how we view them from Earth.  Since we’ve been studying stars and stars are made of gases,  I went on a small tangent about how some gasses weigh more than others and that’s why we had balloons currently scraping our ceiling.  I then did something that I am very proud of.  I taught what happens when you suck helium out of a balloon.  I regret nothing.

It was awesome.  They paid attention the whole class period, mostly because my voice was so high.  They each got a balloon that I snipped a small hole into so they could try it themselves toward the end of class.  I may have opened a can of worms but I don’t mind.   After Science was over I sucked down another balloon and went into the teachers’ room.  This inspired a few other teachers to relive that part of their childhoods as well as enticing a few more students to sound like chipmunks as well.

I am happy to report that talking after breathing in helium is still super fun, and will also help your students to pay attention.

From Busan with Lighter Than Air Love,


P.S.  Tomorrow is the half way point of NaNoWriMo and at that time I will be writing my 25,000th word! Let’s hope it’s a good one!

Filed under: cute, ESL, food, kids, NaNoWriMo, nerdy, South Korea, students, teaching, travel, writing

From Roam with Love