Say Sayonara To Dry Lips

Lately, I’ve been noticing how so many people walk around with dry lips.
It bothers me just to see it, so I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must feel.
Dry, Flaky, Cracked Lips are not good~ For the people who have them or the people looking at them.
Here are a few quick tips to help you get rid of chapped lips and turn them kissably soft.

1.  Use a Lip Balm
Obvious enough, right?  But there are a lot of people that don’t bother with the most basic step to get rid of dry lips.  There are tons of lip balms out there.  I prefer the Burt’s Beeswax (which comes in a yellow and unisex packaging), Smith’s Rosebud Salve, or Aquaphor (for lips that are REALLY dry).
2. Brush Lips with a Toothbrush
For lips that flake and peel, use a toothbrush to brush your lips when you’re brushing your teeth.  You can even use vaseline or olive to brush your lips if a plain old toothbrush isn’t cutting it.  The circulation of the brushing can also temporarily plump up your lips (making them look oh so luscious and kissably soft)
3. Drink More Water
A reason your lips are so dry may be because your body is dehydrated.  Drinking water is always good for your health and your looks, so drink up!
4.  Exfoliate Lips
If you feel that brushing your lips with a toothbrush isn’t cutting it, you can make your own exfoliant by mixing a tablespoon of honey (to moisturize) with sugar (to exfoliate).  You can use your finger to exfoliate (if you make the mixture very grainy) or use a toothbrush to brush your lips. 
5. Moisturize Lips at Night
The cold dry air can dry out your lips as you sleep, so slather on some lip conditioner before hitting the hay.  It may not help with your morning breath, but your lips should be a lot smoother and softer!  ;)
So as the season gets colder, the air drier, and your lips chappeder, don’t forget to take steps to keep those lips in tip top makeout mode!   =D


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